Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2006 7.5
Uninstall programs safely and completely, clean and optimize your registry and Start menu. Monitor and manage installed applications…
Aunt Abigail's Photo Album 1.2
Aunt Abigail's Photo Album is a simple yet powerful program for composing and printing pages with digital photographs and captions. Once…
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Home > Dial up connection software

Barcode Wizard 4.1
Barcode Wizard 4.1 lets you make your on bar codes and export them to other windows applications. Its also lets you run it from a command…
Perpetually AntiVirus System Monitor Trojans 1.4.17
With the ability to scan your RAM, Registry, hard drives, and external storage devices for known data-mining, advertising, and tracking…
Capture Professional 6.05
Captures images and video from anywhere on your screen. Its assistant guides you through the capture process. Its built-in editor uses 60+…

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