ActiSetup 2005
ActiSetup is an advanced setup development environment for Windows Installer. It greatly simplifies the authoring and distribution of MSI…
HiCalendar 2.0
HiCalendar converts dates to Gregorian, Julian,Islamic, Jewish and Chinese dates and Thus, you get all these calendars into a one sim…
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Home > Image translator software

Acme Photo ScreenSaver Maker 1.8
Acme Photo ScreenSaver Maker is a professional photo screen saver maker. APSSM makes it easy to build a fully customizable screen saver…
ABC Wallpaper Machine 2.20.0550
ABC Wallpaper Machine is image creator, desktop calendar and wallpaper manager in one. You have many possibilities to customize the…
GoodBye Spy 4.01
Advanced spyware removal and real time monitoring utility. GoodBye Spy is a multi-adware removal program, which supports the removal of…

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