Interactive Resume Builder 2003.6
Makes it easy to document your career as a beautifully laid out html file with hyperlinks to skill summaries. Word/text/clipboard formats…
Alarm Clock Deluxe 1.20
Alarm Clock Deluxe is a alarm program,that lets you conveniently manage your important dates and times. It is extremely easy to use this…
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Home > Favorites software

Status Scroll 1.0
Status Scroll generates 10 of the most popular Scrolling Status Bar JavaScript codes (the scrolling messages you see at the bottom of…
jCalendar 4.0
jCalendar is the new release of the flexible solution for the administration and organization of dates, tasks, resources, contacts and…
Tray Expert 3.0
Tray Expert 3 is a desktop application that allows you to launch your favorite programs, music, pictures, games, and websites from a…

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