Random Geometric Shapes 1.00
Screensaver randomly draws geometric shapes and fills by using the random brush. There are several filled shapes: triangle, rectangle, e…
HP0-606 Free Test Exam Questions 10.0
Pass-Guaranteed is the leader in IT Certifications that will Guarantee you will pass your HP0-606 exam on Your First Try. For only $55.00…
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Home > Holyear software

ActivityMaker 2 2.03
Creates instant multiple-choice Spelling Quizzes, Flash Cards, Vocab Bingo cards, Concentration Games, Vocab Coloring Sheets, Bulletin…
LockJar 2.1
LockJar gives you total control over the Internet browser cookies that are placed on your machine. Cookies on the Internet are an…
Mp3/Tag Studio 3.05
All-in-one mp3 toolbox, tagger, renamer, list maker and Fast, extremely powerful and very easy to use. Acclaimed by thousands of use…

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