NewsShark 2.0
Meet NewsShark, designed from the ground up for getting LARGE files like MP3, RAR, and ZIP from usenet. Includes yEnc support!
BusinessCards 6.02
Extremely intuitive and easy to use universal freeform database/organizer. Small, fast and flexible. Highly customizable and user friendly…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Worksheet software

Virtual Desktop 1
Too many open windows on your desktop at a time? Virtual Desktop will create new desktops for you and let you to switch between desks and…
WebGate 3.7
Internet paging gateway that allows for email and web messages to be sent to alphanumeric pagers, cell phones or other paging devices…
MultiPing 1.01.2
MultiPing is an application built for monitoring graphically one or more TCP/IP hosts, while providing detailed historical information…

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