AD Midnight Fire - Animated Desktop Wallpaper 3.1
Midnight Fire - animated desktop wallpaper is the qualitatively new replacement of the well-known wallpapers, but in a difference with the…
TimesOwn 3.0.7
Whats the time - anywhere in the World? User friendly TimesOwn answers, displaying the zones, countries and people names of regular…
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Home > Developement tool software

3D Grapher 1.21
Powerful yet easy-to-use graph plotting and data visualization software. You can plot and animate 2D and 3D equation and table-based…
PIA-InfoView 1.0
InfoView is a dynamic information delivery system. Using a full screen browser window, it can deliver feature rich advertising to customers…
Books Program 2.2
Quickly catalog your book collection or library. Enter as much or as little as you are interested in tracking. Use key word searching to…

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