CS Desktop Notes 3.6
This small program allows you easily attach post-it like notes to your windows desktop. You can use individual visual appearance for each…
Web Data Extractor 4.3
A powerful web data / link extractor utility. Extract URL, meta tag (title, desc, keyword), body text, email, phone, fax from web site…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Receptionist software software

DB SynchroComp 3.4.0
DB SynchroComp detects the differences between two SQL Server database schemas and generates the script to match the structure of these…
Declan's Chinese Dictionary 1.0
Declan's Chinese Dictionary uses the 20,000 word CEDICT Chinese-English dictionary database. Both the GB (Simplified) and Big5…
PC On/Off Time tracking 2.0
shows the working time on your computer of the last 3 weeks graphically. PC On/Off Time works with Windows NT,2000,XP. You get an extensive…

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