Capture and Send 1.0
Capture and Send allows users to quickly capture what they see on their computer screen and attach it to an email message. Capture and Send…
310-101 Free Test Exam Questions 10.0
Pass-Guaranteed is the leader in IT Certifications that will Guarantee you will pass your 310-101 exam on Your First Try. For only $39.00…
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Home > Bootmagic software

CoolTimeZone - Time/Date Ticker 1.2
CoolTimeZone is an easy, small, intuitive, unobtrusive scrolling time/date display ticker. It's loaded with customizable options including…
The Mop! 1.41
The Mop! is a special utility which cleans-up a hard disk from so-called "junk" files, that is files which do not contain the useful…
Starscape 1.5c
Moonpod’s Starscape mixes arcade game play with characterisation and involving plot. With most of its crew missing the space station…

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