Fractal Flurries 1.0
Snowflakes... no two are ever alike. The Fractal Flurries screen saver displays endless falling snow over whimsical winter backgrounds…
grubs 1.00
Welcome to the world of garden creepy-crawlies! In this game you control a grub (a weird creature you find in your back yard), using ONLY…
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Home > Internet quote software

IE Lock 1.02
IE Lock works right on your desktops, blocking any attempts at inappropriate browsing before they reach the network. IE Lock's "Allow…
St Basile Birth Certificates 2.2.80
Find St Basile birth certificates instantly. Get certified copies of state-issued birth certificates from all states. St Basile birth…
ShowFont - Windows Font Lister 1.0
ShowFont is a Windows Font Listing utility. It provides much more information than the Windows' Fonts applet. Detail includes: Style; Point…

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