CryptoForge 3.2.5
This suite of tools enables you to safely encrypt, decrypt, and shred any type of file, entire folders and drives with ease. An included…
PDF2Text Batch 1.00
convert your PDF documents into plain text ascii files
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Home > Bz2 software

Air Messenger Lite 4.7.0
Air Messenger Lite is a simple to use Alphanumeric Paging Software that allows you to send alphanumeric messages to Pagers and Digital…
AccBrowser 1.01
AccBrowser is an ActiveX Control which is used to browse your Financial Accounting Database. It offers you the Browsing capability and…
DigitizeIt 1.5.7
DigitizeIt can automatically digitize (x,y)-data from scanned graphs. Data values are transformed to a specified axes system and can be…

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