PROcessu Memory Game 2.0
The PROcessu Memory Game 2.0 is more than a memory game. Beyond you being able to play alone, against a friend or a computer, on an 8x5…
File-Ex 3.0
File Open and Save-As Dialog Extensions for all of your applications. Enlarges the dialog, adds recent and favorite files/folders lists…
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Home > File cleaner software

The Personal FTP Server 4.46
The Freeware version of our FTP Servers PFTP with much more features. Multidirectories, Ratio and an easy user All passwords are…
STG FolderPrint Plus 2.82
Print and visualize your folders. Find out where your HD space went! You can filter to include only the files you want and customize both…
DocAnywhere 1
DocAnywhere converts your help sets in JavaHelp formats to PDF manuals in one step. Transforms table of contents and preserves links…

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