.WizQuote. 2.0
Feature rich quotation, comments and reference info snippets manager. WizQuote is a versatile tool that any intelligent person can't afford…
Ada Email Extractor XP 2.8
Search and extract Email addresses from the Hard Disk, address book, maillist files, Temporary Internet Files. Ada Email Extractor XP help…
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Home > Serial communication software

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Home > Serial communication software

VBBackup 1.4
VBBackup is a Visual Basic add-in for Visual Basic 6 to create backups of all your Visual Basic projects. With each project you can…
MAKE$.CENTS Envelope Budgeting Software
MAKE$.CENTS Envelope Budgeting Software also featuring combined registers for better credit card management. Reconcile Checking, Credit…
SDE for IntelliJ IDEA (PE) for Windows 3.2 Professional Edition
SDE for IntelliJ IDEA is a UML plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. You can draw all types of UML diagrams (class, use case, sequence, collaboration…

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