Add Color 2.3
Enter the color in decimal, hexadecimal, select it from the palette, capture it from the screen, or paste it to or from the clipboard. Find…
FASOFT Compressor 1.1
FASoft Compressor is a Compressor/Expander/Noise gate DirectX plug-in that works on mono and stereo audio data from within audio applicati…
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Home > Chat acronyms software

medi@morph 2.07
A media file processing tool which outputs results in the Motion JPEG video editing format.
Tinnitus Masker Pro : Tinnitus Relief Software 2.1
Tinnitus Masker Pro allows you to choose from 14 different sounds and change their parameters so you can achieve the best masking effect…
DVD to PSP Converter 5.806
Avex DVD to PSP Converter is a one-click solution to convert DVD movies to PSP (Sony PlayStation Portable). It features superb video &…

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