Spy Cleaner Gold 9.2
Spy Cleaner identifies and removes these surreptitiously installed applications. Using updateable "reflists," which are sort of like…
Japan Federal Court Dockets 4.0.76
Japan federal court dockets database - Access Japan federal court dockets database now! Search court records by state, county, court type…
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Home > Developement tool software

12Ghosts Notepad 7.10
Editor with unlimited text size, font formatting, and easy-to-use editing hotkeys. 12-Notepad has interesting automation for saving (every…
Slice-n-Save 1.08
Slice-n-Save is useful when you want to split a file into smaller files. Original file is restored with a single click. One single file can…
Bagheera AutoSubmitter 1.0
Bagheera AutoSubmitter allows you to submit your website information on more than 200 major search engines and directories.

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