BpmChecker 3.0
Determine the tempo or BPM of a song or other piece of music by manually tapping along with the music, using your pc keyboard. Includes…
Job Site Creator 2.5
Job Site Creator 2.5 was created for organizations engaged in recruiting and job seeking. The site allows an easy registration as for…
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Home > Buddy icon software

CastleLotto 2.01.5
CastleLotto helps you predict the right numbers to win Lotto. Analyze your own numbers in depth. Examine past results. Which numbers are…
KeyRobot 5.0
Logins? Ids? Passwords? Account numbers? Forget about 'em! The KeyRobot remembers it all for you. If you're asked to fill in a login name…
VirtualDrive CD/DVD Emulator 7.11
VirtualDrive emulates your computer's CD/DVD-ROM drive, which enables you to run CD and DVD programs, such as games, music CDs, and DVD…

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