WinSettings 7.0.3
WinSettings is a utility that helps you to protect your privacy, cleans up unwanted surfing tracks automatically on startup or single click…
Automize 6.02
Automate ftp transfers, ftp daemon and monitor, web downloads through proxy or secured websites, check or send emai, success based chaining…
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Home > Visual interdev software

Easy Money 6.0.05
Easy Money is a personal income and expense tracking program. Record line items under an unlimited number of user-defined categories…
The Magic Seal 1.2.0
The Magic Seal is an action/puzzle adventure in which, you are a prince whose son was kidnapped by an evil wizard. You go to the wizard's…
Scramble 3.28.14
One of the most popular word games ever, Scramble transforms a phrase into a coded message by scrambling the alphabet. You can either solve…

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