EScrambler - Webmaster Antispam Utility 2.10.04
Email address code scrambler. Fight spam. Hide email addresses from spam robots. Your visitors can read and click on your email addresses…
SnoopFree Privacy Shield 1.0.2
Don't fall prey to keyloggers and snooping software that records your activities. This Windows XP product provides firewall-like…
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Home > Modified software

CyberMatrix Meeting Manager CS 6.02
CyberMatrix Meeting Manager CS is an easy to use multi-user client/server application for scheduling meetings and meeting room…
i-Sound WMA MP3 Recorder Professional 6.60
i-Sound WMA / MP3 recorder turn your PC into complete sound recording studio. You can record sound from internal or external source into…
Winsock Interface Library for C/C++ 3.1
The Winsock Interface Library simplifies winsock network communications programming provides support for the most common Internet proto…

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