Win2PDF 3.0
Win2PDF is an easy to use and affordable tool for creating electronic documents in the PDF file format. Creating a PDF file is as simple…
Cryptainer LE Free Encryption Software 6.0.1
Encrypt any file or folder on any Windows PC. Any Media, any type of data. Cryptainer LE Free Encryption Software. Password protect any…
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Home > Dos software

TrainingLog 1.1.2
Training Log is a Mac OS X and OS 9 application for storing and reviewing your athletic training. It is designed for use by multi-sport…
FinancialPak 4.0 - Personal Finance Calculators 4.0
Personal Finance Calculators which provide quick answers to your financial questions in the privacy of your own home or office. Future…
Archive & Restore 1.1
Archive & Restore enables you to put away and save different versions of files and folders, search and manage archives including disks and…

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