DataLock 1.0
Easy file - folder Security with Datalock for any file/folder, any size, any format - High ratio Data Compression achieved - Secure…
Print Censor Professional 4.5 beta 2
Spending too much money on paper, printer servicing, ink and cartridges? Employees printing e-mails, articles and food recipes from the…
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Home > Iptc metadata extraction software

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Home > Iptc metadata extraction software

Home CHAOS 3.5
Encrypt text files, programs and entire folders giving additional security to your information.
FTP Navigator 6.80
The program lets you upload and download data or delete one or more files, including whole folders along with subdirectories. It can also…
MI Thumbnail ActiveX Control 1.2
MI Thumbnail ActiveX Control control your application immediately support professional user interface of movie/image thumbnail Sup…

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