coverXP PRO 1.65
Simply drag your covers into the software straight from the web browser, and click the print icon. That's it - you have your covers ready…
Express Dictate Dictation Recorder 4.03
Express Dictate is a computer based voice recorder that works like a dictaphone and a dock station for a portable recorder. You dictate…
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Home > Datei software

KFWhois 2.5
KF Whois makes it easy to look up and store domain registration details. It tracks changes to domain registrations and warns you when they…
TerraFire 2.04.1d
Award-winning arcade game featuring stunning raytraced graphics and super-smooth 360 degree parallax scrolling. Blast your ship through…
Path Lister 2.0
View a customizable listing of the contents for any folder on your computer. Save it as text or PDF.

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