All In Catalog 1.0
AllInCatalog is one can manage all of your resources , and powerful software of the classified index to resources. AllInCatalog is similar…
WinAgents IOS Config Editor 2.0
WinAgents IOS Config Editor is a text editor specially designed for editing configuration files for the Cisco routers. It allows editing…
Example:  Norton Antivirus
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Home > Virus scan software

KGB'secrets (AMUCE) 1.3
KGB'secrets Advanced MultiUser Contest Edition. This self-development game is based upon some of secret technologies. It will help you to…
Secure Reminder 6.0
Reminder software & Scheduler for Windows desktop. Reminds about important dates and events using various alarms. Sends reminders over…
Church Secretary Professional Edition 2.0
Church Secretary Professional Edition 2.0 makes it easier than ever to record, update and report on a wide array of church matters. Now…

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