CZ-Doc2Pdf 2.0
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Advanced File Shredder 1.14
Advanced File Shredder securely erases files or folders on your PC using seven pass US Government standard wiping and cryptographically…
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Calvert Incarceration Records 1.5.36
Calvert incarceration records finder. Get an instant access to incarceration records in Calvert.
Tech-Pro World Clock 1.54
World Clock is a desktop clock that shows the current time and date, plus the local time in major cities, overlaid on a world map that can…
PongBall for HPC PPC 1.1
What do you get when you combine Pong and Pinball? Pongball for your WinCE 2.0 and better! Shareware version has 5 levels. Register for 15…

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