JNIWrapper 3.1
JNIWrapper eliminates difficulties in working with the native code from Java programs using standard JNI approach. With JNIWrapper there is…
Atory Password Generator 1.2
Atory Password Generator allows you to create random passwords that are highly secure and extremely difficult to hack or guess due to an…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Exepack software

Global EMailer 1.36
Email address extracting and mail lists supporting software
Visual Shapes 4.0
This is an Excellent Software for Kids to learn Visual recognition of common Shapes and Objects using a puzzle assembling format. It also…
PXE Boot Image for VMware, floppy image 1.0
* PXE Boot Image for VMware - Bootable floppy image functions as a PXE Boot * Fastest way to PXE Boot your VM Guest Operating System…

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