QuadQuest 2.3a
QuadQuest is a turn-based strategy adventure game in which you play four quests. Each quest has its own hero, but you choose the five party…
ExAlert for Windows Messenger 1.0
ExAlert is an add-in for Windows Messenger designed to inform a user about new messages received in his/her mailbox on the Microsoft…
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Home > Game software

Slot Frenzy is a fun version like Casino slot machine game. It will keep you entertained for hours on end. Once you start you can't stop…
SDE for IntelliJ IDEA (CE) for Windows 3.2 Community Edition
SDE for IntelliJ IDEA is a UML CASE tool tightly integrated with IntelliJ IDEA. You can draw UML diagrams in IntelliJ IDEA, generate Java…
Visual Labels 3.30
Label software for designing and printing sheets of Avery labels. You can design and print any kind of label with this program, including…

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