TimeZone 3.1
TimeZone shows up to twelve time zones relative to your local time. The time zone displays are customizable to the hour and minute offset…
DWF to DWG 6.0
DWF to DWG allows you to convert DWF files to AutoCAD DWG and DXF file formats, you can recover DWF entities to corresponding DWG entities…
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Home > Teleport software

Musik-Menü 4.2
With the Musik-Menü can be played 190 songs, while the lyrics are shown on the screen. The lyrics can also be printed out or stored in an…
PHPWebQuiz 1.2.0
PHPWebQuiz is a program to solve quizzes online on the Internet or on a Intranet. It runs on a Internet server. PHPWebQuiz has been…
Brooks INTELLIscribe LPR Client
INTELLIscribe - LPR Print Client enabling you to seamlessly send documents to printers and print servers anywhere in the world using the…

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