OOReport.NET 1.01
OOReport.NET is an Award winning Object Oriented Reporting Component for .NET Windows Forms, Database Applications. With OOReport.NET you…
WashAndGo 8.0
WashAndGo is your scrubbing brush for for the hard diskof your PC. It enables you to clean up your whole system, so giving you back…
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Home > Internet quote software

XLIST 2003
XLIST is a Windows program coded in 32 bit Visual Basic. It can be used to browse any file and display the contents in hexadecimal /…
AnyToJpeg 1.3
Converter "AnyToJpeg" allows you to convert any image to jpeg-format and edit it by means of such function as rotating, stretch, crop…
Anti-Trojan Shield
Anti-Trojan Shield is an advanced, highly effective blocker of Trojans, worms, viruses, and other malicious tools. It efficiently scans…

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