Text Spotlight 2.5
The OS-level text mining tool that allows you to create and maintain a large list of keywords; and then automatically scans screen and…
Talking Translator Pro 1.7
Talking Translator Pro is a 4-in-1 language utility can translate text between 8 languages, find word meanings, read file and clipboard…
Example:  KaZaA
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Related keywords: utility, system, Utility, UTILITY, desktop utility, System, system tray, clipboard utility, encryption system, file utility

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Operational system: Any | Windows 95 | 98 | ME | NT | 2000 | XP | CE | Unix | Palm | Mac

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Home > System utility software

Flasher Suite 1.0
Flasher Suite - The best-selling suite for a professional developer! Flasher Suite combines two award-winning Flash design tools on the…
euphOrbit 1.0
euphOrbit version 1.0 is a simple tool designed to simulate the motions of planetary bodies in space. The primary design philosophy of this…
CyPet 2.02
Free virtual pet game. Look after, feed and play games with your own virtual pet. Vaccinate him to stop him getting ill, discipline him…

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