RGBPro 1.2.2 RGBPro is the color picker for everyone. With RGB and CMY color models, 6 hex color formats, HTML & CSS codes, Color Grabber, 10 palettes
File Cutter 1.0 File cutter is a complete file cutting program that enables the user to choose a file, separate it into a number of segments, (determined
Dieter's Journal 1.0 Since you want to remember your triumphs and occasional setbacks Dieter Journal is set up as a perpetual diary without limits. You can
Netman Enterprise Trial 3.5 Netman enterprise trial edition brings in a tool which combines personal productivity with enterprise level applications. It has tools for
DWFIn -- DWF to DWG Converter 2005 1.213 DWF Importer(a.k.a. DWF to DWG Converter) is An AutoCAD Addin let you import dwf file into AutoCAD. It supports AutoCAD 2005, 2004, 2002