! - M8 4.20
The M8 multi clipboard captures everything that you cut or copy from any program, text or graphics. It holds up to 300,000 clips, has a…
Compare It! 3.85
Powerful file compare and merge utility. Features: build-in editor with syntax highlighting, undo and wordwrap; highlights changes within…
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Home > Content delivery software

CD Spectrum Pro 2002.0618
CD/Spectrum Pro is a CD/MP3 Player with Graphical Spectrum Analyzer for Windows. It comes with CD Audio player, Spectrum Analyzer, Mixer…
Refrigerant Compliance Manager 5.12
Refrigerant Regulations Management System helps you comply with EPA regulations on ozone depleting and global warming refrigerants, insure…
MetaFiler 2.0
Metafiler lets you create file metadata and store it with the file. The information moves with the file and independent of the file name so…

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