Mortgage-UK 1.4
Mortgage-UK calculates the true cost of UK mortgages and you to compare mortgages and the effect of different interest rates and ov…
PhotoMark 1.3
A professional watermark maker which can let you create and apply watermarks using your brand name, it features the ability to manipulate…
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Home > Instant message software

Windows Animated Gif Player 1.0
This is a full-featured, streamlined program built using ActiveX to view animated .gif images. For more information, please visit…
RAE / Realtime Analyzer ENA
Advanced sound analyzer with latest environmental noise measurement technology. RAL + Impulse response, Running ACF, sound analyzer…
Holiday Stories 1.00
Ms Hart reminisces past holidays and offer her family traditions as ideas and guide to build your own. She also reflects on basic values of…

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