ESBPCS for VCL - BCB5 Trial 3.0.0
ESBPCS for VCL is a collection of over 6000 routines/methods and over 190 classes/components in over 130 units for Borland C++ Builder 5…
Xtreme Tankz Madness II 1.8
Those small spiteful tanks have gone completely mad! What would it take to stop ’em? Fight fire with fire — take control of another…
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Home > Mdi side panel software

Balloons 2.10
In the Balloons Screensaver, 15 colorful, photo-realistic hot air balloons float through seven good-looking mountain and beach scenes. The…
Icon Viewer 3.51
Freeware program to view icons. You can view all the icons that are contained in an EXE, DLL, ICO, or ICL file, or you can view (at the…
Fax Harvester 1.13 FAX Harvester provides the capability to gather business fax numbers from the internet. No need to ever purchase fax number…

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