ZoneView 2.11a
See what time it is in up to 24 separate cities around the world. Select from over 730 world captials and heavily populated cities…
Pocket BlockOut 1.20
Pocket BlockOut is a program for WindowsCE/PocketPC designed for enjoining of playing mind games on your pocket computer. Pocket BlockOut…
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Home > Save obj software

CardBase 2000 3.5
CardBase is a small, easy to use, address book and phone dialer that makes a nice replacement for the standard MS Windows Cardfile. Along…
Access-MySql 2.5
Access-MySQL is an effective tool to convert Access to MySQL server and vice versa , supporting many advanced features like , the ability…
Speller 3.0.5
Speller contains two components designed for Delphi: TSpellChecker and TSpellLanguageComboBox. It is designed to add spell check capability…

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