Typos Finder 1.4
An add-in for Microsoft Excel that helps you polish off all typos in your Excel workbooks.
Color Eggs 2.0
The hen sitting at the roost lays colored eggs, 3 at a time, which start falling down. Your task is to make them fall so that at least…
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Home > Bookmark software

PowerBASIC für WIN32 Quick-Referenz 1.0
Überwiegende Teile dieser elektronischen PowerBASIC Quick-Referenz wurden sinngemäss der englischen Originalreferenz entnommen…
C++ Server Pages 1.6
C++ Server Pages (CSP) allows developers to build Dynamic Web Pages and Web Applications by using C++. You can easily port your C++…
Classic Roulette 1.0
Classic Roulette affords pleasure and gives pungent feelings to every player. The game strikes you with the graphics and design. Listen to…

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