Submit By Rick Freeware 2.4
A freeware submission program for FFAs and classified sites to submit to the free for all link sites or classified sites of your choice by…
Vemail Voice Email Software for Windows 2.01
Vemail is software that lets you record and send voice messages instead of text using ordinary email.
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Home > Black jack software

MP3 CDOrganizer 1.4
MP3 CDOrganizer is a lightweight, but powerful MP3 Organizer for windows. Essentially, MP3 CDOrganizer creates the proper directory…
Z-Up Maker 4.8.5
Create setup packages in various languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Brasil) and allow your users to…
Ftp-Shop 1.2
Emryn Ftp-Shop is an extremely easy to use, power-packed FTP and SFTP Client

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