RunPos 1.0
Executes up to 8 applications and positions the windows in a user specified location. Multiple configurations can be stored as .RPS files…
Macro Scheduler 8.0.1
Save time and automate your PC. Record macros and build scripts with the powerful, easy to use scripting language. Assign macros to…
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Home > Virtual pet software

Atomic CD Email Extractor 1.50
Atomic CD Email Extractor is a simple, yet powerful solution for extracting email addresses from your CDs and DVDs. You can specify which…
Task Manager 2005
Use Orbisoft's new, top-rated Task Manager 2005в„ў task management software to help you get organized and manage all your jobs and tasks…
ShellSearch 3.0
Find misplaced shortcuts in several of Windows most commonly used shell locations fast just by entering a few letters of their names.

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