MB-Ruler 3.1
A tool to measure distances and angles on the The distances can be measured in pixel, cm, inch, points or twips and the angle in ra…
File and mp3 tag renamer 2.2
File And MP3 Tag Renamer is a powerful, easy-to-use multiple file and mp3 renaming utility. With this powerful program ,you can quickly and…
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Home > Win95 98 software

DejaSurf 4.0.7
Ad-free Internet Explorer plug-in that can fill a form or password on web pages and blocks popup ads. Imports Gator settings.
!!The Popup Blocker Wizard!! 2.1
Automatically clicks "Skip" link or click NO to question Make this my Home Page. clicks NO to the question Security Warnings. - By: Popup…
EZStreet 3.0
Multi-user timesheet, expense reporting, billing and invoicing software accessed from browsers and WAP mobile wireless devices. Unlimited…

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