The Html Directory 1.0
The quick, simple, easy to use directory list creating utility. Using The Html Directory in just a few clicks you'll be creating html lists…
ScreenSaver Messages 1.0
This screensaver displays messages other users sent through SSMess website and downloads new messages automatically in the background…
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Home > Machine tts voip sip softphone software

ScrabbleScam 1.3
Show all possible moves in a game of Scrabble in order of points scored. Type in the words already on the board, the seven tiles in the…
Sports Bet Calculator 4.2
A program to quickly calculate amounts to bet on sporting events given the starting prices. i.e. Cricket, Tennis, Races.
Freecallme PcPhone 5.2
Make FREE pc-to-pc and pc-to-phone calls over Internet and ISDN/PSTN and SIP network. PC-Telephone is a powerful communications software…

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