ESBUnitConv 5.1.1
User friendly FREE WindowsUtility to easily convert between 464 units of measurement. Includes Units for Temperature, Distance, Mass, Area…
Html Code Convert 3.3.1
HTML Code Convert helps speed up the conversion of HTML code into different format including Java Script, JavaServer Pages, Microsoft ASP…
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Home > Url favorites software

It's a command line utility to compress / optimize web pages.The power behind HTMLSqueeze is that if you are building a web site on a local…
CapLendar 2.1
CapLendar is an easy to use calendar. Have you ever wrote down notes (incomes, expenses or events) on a real paper calendar and wished you…
PELock 1.06
PELock - is an application that allows you to protect Windows executable files (so called exe-protector). Besides that, PELock allows easy…

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