Web Essence 2.3
Benchmarks/Compares Web Server performance for static/dynamic workloads. Multi-machine Client configuration, each simulating 1000+ clients…
Batch TIFF Resizer 1.46
Batch TIFF Resizer which resize and converts single and multi page tiff images, BMP and JPEG to TIFF or PDF files or spilt multipage tiff…
Example:  ACDSee
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Home > Guitarlessons software

3D Space Gladiators 1.0
Are you tired of all these lame girlish screensavers with flowers, kitties and other cute junk? How about something dynamic and active…
System Crash Monitor 1.16
The System Crash Monitor attempts to reduce the number of times Windows and popular applications crash. Of course, it fails miserably, but…
TiVec 1.2
TiVec converts TIGER Line data files distributed from the Census Bureau to pairs of MID/MIF or SHP/DBF files for use with mapping and other…

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