Batch It! Ultra 3.92
Batch It! Ultra is an automated Batch Imaging Editor which allows you to resize, rename, rotate, slice, create thumbnail galleries, add…
CyArc - File Archive and Recovery 1.1
Take copies of files as you create and change them. Keep multiple versions of files reflecting the history of file changes. Be in a…
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Home > Rad software software

CopWrite 3.14.15
Do you think `paperless' reporting is a pipe-dream? Think again! CopWrite is a quick, powerful, and easy way of creating and maintaining…
Animated Alphabet for Windows 1.0
Teaches letter sounds using upper and lower case letters. Covers long and short vowels. When the child correctly identifies the letter…
Modem Monitor Graph (ModemGPH) 4.1
This free program plots in realtime all data sent and received using the Dial-Up Networking dapter and Modem. Shows separate sent…

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