Async 2.0.2
Async is a multi-threaded activex component that gives visual basic developers the ability to easily create multi-threaded applications and…
STS Alarm Clock 3.1.3
Don't want to carry an alarm clock with you on business trips, but you have to carry your laptop? Need to remember to put the roast in the…
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Home > Visual interdev software

Arkanoid -The Virtual Isles 2.6
From the name of the game you can see that this is one of the countless remakes of the glorious Arkanoid. The game has new features, such…
Cresotech Mugs Game 2.3
One of the best puzzle games with a friendly user interface, help system, sounds, two languages supported. Make your move, take your…
jBrowse 1
jBrowse is a free Internet Explorer plugin that can insert word definitions and pronunciations into Japanese web pages. Move the mouse…

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