Album Express 3.5
Album Express builds great-looking picture albums for home, friends, and the Web, quickly and easily. Its wizard-like interface and…
File Shredder 2.0
Windows does not physically remove deleted files from your hard drive. You think they are gone, but they can be easily recovered, including…
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Home > Mill software

Simply Calenders 4.5
Create calendars to print in 70+ languages. 44 customisable styles. 1582 - 9999. Integrated Scanning & Image Editor. Predict and add…
Grammar Slammer for Unix 4.0
English grammar help + reference that answers the questions the grammar checker cannot. Get Answers not Questions and real grammar help…
awContactMgr 1.0
awContactMgr lets you manage personalized information about people. This includes the ability to track Contact, Events, Lists, Codes…

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