Direct Folders 2.42
Direct Folders allows you access most recent and favorite folders directly from the standard File Open and File Save dialog boxes, as well…
Go4Customer Answering Machine 1.1
answering machine which makes use of Voice Modem/Dialogic Cards.
Example:  Norton Antivirus
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Home > Image software

NetServe Web Server 1.0.45
NetServe is a secure Web Server and File Sharing upload/download tool. With Perl,ASP,PHP support, security protected access for multi…
PEN - Pennock's Email Notifier 2.4-1
PEN is an easy to use/setup Email Notifier that sits in your SysTray and pops up a small window and/or play a sound when new mail arrives…
Warcraft Clock: Reign of Chaos 4.5
Warcraft Clock gives you a chance to plunge into the world of noble warriors, nights and wizards fighting side by side on the field of…

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