TimeLeft 3.14
TimeLeft is skinnable clock, tray clock, countdown, reminder, stopwatch, timer, sticker and time synchronization utility. TimeLeft is…
Access Lock 2.83
Access Lock enables you to lock your desktop with a password by several methods, prevent unauthorized access on boot, log the attemps of…
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Home > One time pad software

Image miner 1.30
Image miner is designed to grab images from a Web site.It can help you easily find,download,view and save the images from a special…
Chilkat Data Compression ActiveX 9.3.0
An affordable, advanced, feature-rich Zip ActiveX compression component that can your application's file and data compression needs…
Biorhythms Studio II 2.01.0033
Biorhythms Studio II through having a friendly interface and a set of powerful tools helps people investigate their biorhythms. Unlike…

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