webcow 0.53.34
Webcow downloads links from websites. Easy to use filters specify the needed ones and then it downloads all files in one Input is pos…
ZMover 5.0
ZMover allows you to set the size, position, and layering of windows. You can modify windows on-the-fly or give ZMover a list of windows to…
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Home > Organization software

WinRescue ME 1.08.32
Four Tools in One: Crash Fixer, RegPack, File Backup, and Troubleshooter. Don't spend hours reinstalling Windows ME, restore in min…
MathAid Precalculus 25.60
Java based math course includes theoretical concepts, hands-on examples featuring animated graphics and live formulas, problem-solving…
Knowledge Room 1.1
Knowledge Room uses 3-D graphics to help you gather, organize, and recall information. Engaging your spatial memory, Knowledge Room helps…

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