WhatColor 4.60e WhatColor identifies a color of the pixel on the screen. There are some similar tools to display RGB values to assist making HTML used in
4Musics WAV Bitrate Changer 1.55 Change bitrate of WAV files in one click at high speed and
Main Features:
- converting in one click!
- high speed;
- setting r
Cursor Extractor 2.3 The most powerful cursor extraction utility for Windows. With Cursor Extractor you can extract cursors embedded into any files
Netman Enterprise Trial 3.5 Netman enterprise trial edition brings in a tool which combines personal productivity with enterprise level applications. It has tools for
STL Import for Surfcam 1.0 STL Import for Surfcam is a STL file import plug-in for Surfcam. STL Import for Surfcam gives Surfcam the ability to import geometric data