iTree Pro-XQ Powertree 6.55
Java tree menu, drag 'n' drop, tabs, extreme scalability. User-definable icons. True-type fonts. Stacking tab rows. Line-wrapping. Preview…
JBLab Secure Notes 2.4
Info tree PIM (personal info manager) and personal organizer for desktop and USB Flash Drive. It organize and password-protect sensitive…
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JavaScript Bounce Text Effect 1.0
Displays bounce text on web pages. It is very easy to be added to your own pages by clicking the mouse to copy and paste some codes.
Wave Editor 6.5
Wave Editor is a complete wave editor and recorder. Wave Editor makes editing WAV files as easy as editing text with its clear user…
RevilloC MailServer 1.21
Send and collect all the emails for your home or office network, whilst saving dial up time. The mail server now contains a web proxy serve…

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