System Crash Monitor 1.16
The System Crash Monitor attempts to reduce the number of times Windows and popular applications crash. Of course, it fails miserably, but…
RSP GZip Compressor OCX 1.5.0
ActiveX OCX to compress files in the standard gzip format , the code is optimized for new processors , the compression code execute at…
Example:  KaZaA
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JavaScript Page Preloader 1.0
Displays loading messages before page be loaded completely. The loading message will be cleared when page finished loading. It is very easy…
EmailPipe 2.2
Converts emails to numbered text files suitable for further processing. Attaches to MAPI clients including MS Outlook or Lotus Notes…
MindSoft FreeRAM 4.0b
While using your PC, the executed programs and the used files are taking part of your RAM memory, progresively slowing down your equipment…

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