7art Dinosaurs ScreenSaver 1.0
7art Dinosaurs screensaver brings you 22 pictures of the most and at the same time elegant Earth creatures ever born. It will hel…
e-motional Greeting Card Creator 1.20
Email personalized greeting cards using your photos, recorded voice message, sound effects and text. Import images directly from scanner…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Software > System Utilities > Registry Tools > Alphabetically

Pixel 3D 1.10
Pixel 3D is the easiest way possible to create high quality 3D graphics for web site construction or imaging work. A powerful but easy to…
HVLJFont - Soft Fonts for LaserJet Printers 1.0
The HVLJFont soft fonts are for HP Laserjet printers that do NOT provide fixed pitch fonts that are scalable, or sufficiently legible.
Gridless Lines 1.0
The aim of this game is to align five or more balls of the same color into a line by moving the pieces on the board. The board is not built…

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