CRC32 COM Component 1.04 CRC32 COM Component is for ASP, .NET, Cold Fusion, VB, VC++ and other
The com component will quickly generate a CRC32 checksum
PPCInstallBuilder Express 1.0 PPCInstallBuilder Express builds installation files for Pocket PC's. Features of the Express version are: Customization of data (Company
MessagePal 1.6.3 MessagePal provides simple, secure, instant messaging between users on your LAN without a server or Internet connection. Group lists
AVS Video Converter 4.3 It's a low cost, easy to use yet full featured video converter that does it's job well and adds some worthy features, like capturing, DVD
MasterWord 1.1 CFB MasterWord is a Palm word game based on Mastermind and Jotto. It will appeal to anybody with a good knowledge of words and logical